Dangerous Beans

One-half of Deux Lectrices, writing about the things I read.

Reading progress update: I've read 63%.

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar - Kady Cross

Two hours later, the lawman had told them all that he knew—or all he was willing to reveal [Location 2547]




even though Mei Xing had no doubt only done it in self-defense. [Location 2547]


Considering the time period and the racism she'd no doubt be facing, it wouldn't matter if it was self defense, she'd be fucked.


Griffin looked him dead in the eye. “What are you after Dalton for?” [Location 2555]


Let go of the idiot ball for a moment and realize that if Jasper is cowed into doing his bidding and he's asking Mary Sue to use her powers for robbery, he's probably a bad guy.


“If we help you catch him, will you turn a blind eye to Jasper’s and Finley’s involvement?” [Location 2555]


Honest to God shocked that Mary Sue's name wasn't first considering how everyone can't be arsed to even pretend they care about Jasper's innocence.


You’ll be sure to let Renn know that I have no intention of punishing that poor girl any more than she’s already been punished? [Location 2563]


THE TIMES.  THE FUCKING TIMES.  You do not understand the amount of racism Mei would face for killing the man.


(I finished The Luminaries a few days ago [and read an 800 page book in less time that it's taking to finish this 400 page one], which is set in the 1800s, 1865-1866 precisely.  The book has two main Chinese characters working as gold miners, Quee Long and Sook Yongsheng.  The treatment of these two characters, as was custom at the time, was ABYSMAL, terrible, sad, awful treatment.


Sook Yongsheng had, previously in life, been accused and acquitted of murdering a man who beat the shit out of him one day when he attempted to speak to another man in a brothel.  He was acquitted, sure, and the man's wife, who was the other person in the room and who fired the actual shot to rid herself of an abusive husband, lied and said that the man shot himself, but Ah Sook was trailed from the moment his presence was registered in Hokitika.


Later on, when he bought a gun intending to kill the man he wanted to speak to at a brothel that night, the men who had been trailing him sent out a warrant for his arrested not five minutes after he bought it.  They made clear that they would turn a blind eye to anyone who killed Ah Sook while "trying" to apprehend him.  Ah Sook was shot and killed by the brother of the man who was killed, and, ofc, the law just turned a blind eye because it was the 1860s and a Chinese man was shot.


I'm saying this to say, Mei would not be getting away with this so easily.  Even if it had been self-defense, even if Kirby wasn't interested in bringing her to justice, someone else would.  The service Mei's been working for has freed tens, possibly hundreds, of Chinese women who were intended to be sold into prostitution under the one man; Mei lost him money, Mei lost his partners money; she wasn't just the one who got away.


In short, no matter if it was self-defense or not, someone would be coming after Mei.  It doesn't matter if she was acquitted, someone would be on her ass for the murder, someone would be on her ass for costing the man's business money.  Mei wouldn't just be able to kill a man and walk free.)


Once the door shut, leaving him and Sam alone once more, only then did Griffin sag against the wall.

“You’ve overdone it,” Sam chastised, [Location 2563]


He was fine enough to get out of bed, take a shower, get dressed on his own, walk down to the lobby, and hold a conversation.  His injury only matters when it's dramatic.


“What would I do without all of you to take care of me?” Griffin asked—perhaps a little harsher than he ought. [Location 2572]


I would get up and leave right then and there, Sam.